Enhance Your Look with our
state of the art
3 Technology
Let us show you how we can:
• Lift with Radio Frequency
• Tighten and Reduce Cellulite with High-Intensity Light
• Strip the Fat Away Permanently with Ultrasound Cavitation
Shape Summerlin
We provide dramatic reductions to all areas of the body, while lifting and tightening the skin. Let us show you how you can lose up to an inch of fat in as little as 1 hour.
Learn About the 3 Modalities Below
Shape Summerlin
We provide dramatic reductions to all areas of the body, while lifting and tightening the skin. Let us show you how you can lose up to an inch of fat in as little as 1 hour.
Learn About the 3 Modalities Below
Harnesses the energy of high intensity light technology to shrink targeted fat cell deposits in all areas of the body, including areas SUCH AS THE FACE, which are too sensitive for other modalities.
Offers NATURAL LOOKING SKIN TIGHTENING by utilizing the bodies natural collagen delivery solution in face and body utilizing the power of Radio Frequency.
Can Permanently and Instantly REMOVE FAT CELL DEPOSITS through a Painless, procedure using a proven Sound Wave Technology.
A focused ultrasound beam is directed towards a specific area within the fat layer. The ultrasound wave breaks down the outer membranes of the fat cell, allowing the contents to be transported to the liver to be urinated out. Since the effect is focused to a specific depth, overlaying skin, organs and tissues are left unaffected and the broken down fat is metabolized out of the body.
Harnesses the energy of light to shrink targeted fat cell deposits in all areas of the body, including areas too sensitive for Ultrasound Cavitation.
These technologies emit high levels of light energy, which trigger a chemical signal in the fat cells, releasing the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol through channels in the cell membranes.
The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported around the body to the tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy, during post treatment exercise, which ensures the the metabolization of the contents of the targeted fat cells.
Offers a natural looking skin tightening and collagen building solution for face and body through this amazing technology.
During the treatment, the RF waves penetrate the skin stimulating collagen fibroblast production to tighten the skin from the inside out, as it triggers the production of fresh collagen fibers which result in tighter more supple skin which looks noticeably younger.
“It’s a new cutting edge procedure, that studies show can melt inches off your waist, hips and thighs”
– Dr. Marie Savard, M.D, ABC News Medical Contributor
Our Proprietary System & Aesthetic Technology
Interested in the amazing benefits this system can bring to you and your body?
Simply full out the form here to start the process and sign up for your initial consultation today! If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to let us know and we will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.
Fill out the form here.
We didn’t invent it… We just perfected a phenomenal system that works!
Learn about our 3 cutting edge technologies that create dramatic and truly amazing results.
Let us show you how we can:
- Lift with Radio Frequency
- Tighten and Reduce Cellulite with High-Intensity Light
- Strip the Fat Away Permanently with Ultrasound Cavitation
Lose up to an inch of fat in as little as 1 hour!
Contact us today so we can schedule your initial consultation and get you started with the aesthetic modalities. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to let us know and we will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.
General Information
We offer an innovative combination of treatments for fat reduction, cellulite reduction, skin tightening and butt lifting, that simultaneously incorporates several distinct technologies:
• Ultrasound Cavitation
• Radiofrequency
• Infrared Technology
• Micro Currents
On which parts of the body is the treatment most beneficial?
Thighs (saddle bags), Abdomen (love handles), Hips (flanks), Buttock, Upper arm i.e. the areas of localized fat. However it cannot be applied to the head, neck, chest, back and over bony areas.
How long is a treatment session?
Treatment times may vary depending on the area being treated but a typical session will last between 40 minutes to an hour. This includes the preparation, treatment and post treatment procedures.
Is the procedure painful?
No, the treatment is painless. A slight tingling sensation or buzzing in the ear may sometimes be felt during the treatment. Some heat sensation may also be felt during treatment but no pain. Any slight reddening of the skin which may sometimes develop during or soon after treatment quickly disappears.
What instant results can I expect?
The ultrasonic cavitation treatment will often yield immediate results which you can feel, touch and see and it can be long lasting. Some clients can experience between 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches. of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing definition after subsequent visits. However, more significant results will be noticed after the second and third treatment.
General Information
We offer an innovative combination of treatments for fat reduction, cellulite reduction, skin tightening and butt lifting, that simultaneously incorporates several distinct technologies:
• Ultrasound Cavitation
• Radiofrequency
• Infrared Technology
• Micro Currents
Slimming with Ultrasound cavitation and Radio Frequency
Ultrasound Cavitation is widely recognized as one of the most effective cellulite reduction and local fat loss technologies available today. Our low frequency Cavitation is applied with our advanced treatment protocols and is the strongest and best cavitation treatment available today.
The Cavitation technology is not a miracle treatment, but if you suffer from cellulite or you want a non-surgical solution for local fat deposit reduction, it is one of the best single technologies you can possibly use to fight those skin problems. Furthermore, all our high-power Cavitation treatments can be combined with high-power radio-frequency and infrared wraps for maximum results. This unique treatment combination ensures that out clients receive the most powerful and comprehensive cellulite and slimming treatment available.
What is Cavitation?
Ultrasound Cavitation works by breaking down deep stubborn local fat tissues which are subsequently disposed of through the lymphatic and urinary systems. It is also effective in reducing cellulite, a condition which affects most women over 20, whether slim or overweight. When applied in conjunction with Radio Frequency (RF) this treatment also offers superior skin tightening.
Benefits of Ultrasound Fat Cavitation
• Volume reduction of tissues (fat blasting)
• Body shaping and contouring
• Skin tightening and toning
• Cellulite reduction
Before & Aftercare Advice
To ensure the best results with this treatment we suggest that you follow the aftercare recommendations:
• Drink at least 2 liters of water before your treatment and another 2 liters in the day after your treatment (soft drink, soda, juice or tea is not water).
• You should not eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after treatment.
• Do not drink ANY alcohol or caffeine in the day of treatment of 48hrs after.
• Do not have a hot shower (warm is alright), spa or sauna straight after treatment.
• Diet: Follow a fat free, low starch, low sugar diet for best results
• Exercise for at least 20 minutes after your treatment to stimulate lymph movement.
Is Ultrasound Fat Cavitation a safe procedure?
Yes, it is a safe, comfortable, and non-invasive procedure with virtually no side effects. It does not require anesthesia, leaves no scars and does not require any post treatment. The ultrasound energy is designed to target fatty tissues beneath the skin only, and does not affect the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues.
Is the procedure painful?
No, the treatment is painless. A slight tingling sensation or buzzing in the ear may sometimes be felt during the treatment. Some heat sensation may also be felt during treatment but no pain. Any slight reddening of the skin which may sometimes develop during or soon after treatment quickly disappears.
On which parts of the body is the treatment most beneficial?
Thighs (saddle bags), Abdomen (love handles), Hips (flanks), Buttock, Upper arm i.e. the areas of localized fat. However it cannot be applied to the head, neck, chest, back and over bony areas.
How long is a treatment session?
Treatment times may vary depending on the area being treated but a typical session will last between 40 minutes to an hour. This includes the preparation, treatment and post treatment procedures.
Does it work on Cellulite?
Yes, low frequency ultrasound (40 kHz) generally works well on cellulite by focusing the cavitation effect on the superficial fat tissue. Best results are obtained when the ultrasound is applied in conjunction with the radio frequency (RF) treatment which helps to tighten and tone the skin. Cellulite is the appearance of dimpled skin.
Where are fat cells stored?
Fat is stored primarily as triglycerides inside adipocytes cells located between the muscles and skin. The numbers of fat cells are the same regardless of a person’s weight but the size of the cells can vary greatly.
What instant results can I expect?
The ultrasonic cavitation treatment will often yield immediate results which you can feel, touch and see and it can be long lasting. Some clients can experience between 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches. of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing definition after subsequent visits. However, more significant results will be noticed after the second and third treatment.
What long term results can I expect with ultrasound cavitation?
You can achieve volume reduction of fatty tissues and toning of the body. The results are gradual over a number of weeks as your body clears the broken down fatty tissues. It is not uncommon to achieve up to several inches of reduction by the end of the course of treatments. The results can be long lasting provided you follow a healthy diet and exercise program. However it is very easy to deposit fat again into the tissues if one over-eats, consumes too much alcohol or doesn’t exercise. Ultimately the result may vary depending on the individuals different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medication, and changes in hormones.
Can I lose weight with Ultrasound Cavitation?
Fat Cavitation is not a treatment for obesity, nor is it a weight loss procedure. Rather is a method for reshaping and toning the body. It is particularly intended to reduce localized fat tissues which are resistant to exercise around the abdomen (love handles), buttocks, and thighs (saddle bags), that won’t easily go away by simple dieting and exercise.
Are there any side effects with this treatment?
There are virtually no side effects. However on rare occasions there may be a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, or blistering, intensified thirst, or mild nausea immediately after the treatment which is invariably resolved by drinking water. These are all short-term effects that disappear in a few hours.
What Guidelines should I follow pre-treatment and, post treatment?
Drink plenty of water. Drinking water is a necessary part of the treatment to facilitate the elimination of the broken down fat.
Maintain a low calorie diet for a few days after the treatment to ensure that the energy released by the treatment is metabolized by the body.
After the treatment patients are able to return to their daily activities as usual.
What are the contraindications with Ultrasound Cavitation?
Ultrasound cavitation treatment is not for everybody. Even though it is a safe and painless procedure, nevertheless there are contraindications for using cavitation devices for treatment of localized fat. Such contraindications will depend on the individual’s medical history. Thus people with kidney failure, liver failure, heart disease, carrying a pacemaker, pregnancy, lactation, etc. are not suitable candidates for the cavitation treatment.
Are the results of ultrasound cavitation similar to liposuction?
The Ultrasound Cavitation can be considered as a treatment alternative to surgical liposuction. Both treatments are designed to reduce fatty tissues. However, Liposuction is invasive while Ultrasound Cavitation is non-invasive.
Are there restrictions for treatment for any medication for health conditions or used for the skin on the face that would preclude clients from having treatments done?
No medication contradictions. If the patient has had a filler, wait two weeks.
What is the minimum time frame that must pass before each recommended modality?
• Lipolysis: Daily
• Ultrasound: Once every 72 hours
• Radio Frequency: Once per week on face, 3 days on body
Can the treatments be used on the "bra fat" areas?
Can be used on the back. Just ensure that the probe is always pointed away from the center of the body.
Customer Reviews
Our clients simply love the equipment AND our system. Click below to see what they have to say about their experience with Trivectar.
View our list of general facts and questions frequently asked to address any thoughts or concerns you may have. Click below to read and review.
Amazing Results
Our state of the art equipment yields far superior results! Click below to see our treatment application before and after photos that can soon be yours.
With diet & exercise which is alway recommended.
With diet & exercise which is always recommended.
With diet & exercise which is always recommended.